What We Do

We specialize in 100% Chemical FREE Dry Steam Cleaning for Office Environments.

Steam cleaning will not only enhance the appearance of your office furnishings, but also extend life. The best way to care for upholstered furniture is by preventative cleaning. Dust and soil will seep into the fabric and stuffing, which encourage fibers to disintegrate.

Programs which enhance indoor environmental quality also have been proven to reduce absenteeism by 23 percent.

Traditional Cleaning companies use foam, powder or rotary methods that tend to leave a large amount chemical residue behind. Inhaled toxic chemicals go directly into your bloodstream, which are quickly transported to your major organs, causing serious disease over time.

We make offices healthier by improving sanitation, indoor air quality and overall cleanliness.

Our  cleaning agent is  380 degrees of steam, and can be safely used on any surface. Laboratory tests of our steam machines show a short exposure to steam eliminates 99.9% of bacteria, mildew and pathogens. Steam has been shown to be effective for eliminating not only bacteria, but also odor, residue and stains, preserving your furniture and surfaces to look like new! See Examples of Our Work.

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Discounts Available With; Monthly, Bi-monthly, and Quarterly, Cleaning Contracts.

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